Dealing with injuries, the mental challenges they bring & how things can be made easier by finding the silver lining.
Luke George - FGS Ambassador

FGS Ambassador and elite level weightlifter Luke George shares his feelings towards injuries and how previous tough experiences have reformed his perception of injuries for the better.
Nobody wants to get injured, but unfortunately, they still happen, they can happen anytime for any reason, to anyone. We do our best to avoid them and check every box to combat it, but inevitably we all pick up injuries.
But what happens when we get an injury? Firstly, we should take the correct health measures prescribed by the people who know best.
What I am talking about is the mindset, the psychology, the mental test that injuries bring.
Through a range of sports including, Basketball, Boxing and Powerlifting I have experienced a multitude of injuries including a torn pec, fractured patella, and repeated strains in almost every muscle!
When something means so much to you and you are side-lined or out of commission, it is devastating and whilst everyone carries on, you feel alone.
Early on, dealing with injuries I remember being in denial, feeling rage, anger and depression, absolutely refusing to stop and would inevitably make things worse, sometimes much worse.
When I reflect, I feel somewhat silly. It’s obvious, right? You have an injury, and you rest for the appropriate time, rehab, and move forward, except it isn’t that easy when you don’t have the knowledge, will power or the support.
I had to put plenty of time into research and much thought into what a silver lining actually is, surely not everything could have a silver lining?
I changed my perception of injuries, I put effort into what I could control then started to think outside of the box.
So, if I could not run, I would practise my short-range jump shot, If I had strained my pec, I looked at mobility and strengthen the antagonistic muscles. I looked at areas where I could improve on a granular level, I looked at weaknesses that I neglected. It gave me a different focus until I healed instead of feeling sorry for myself. Additionally, it made me more complete when I got back to full health.
This taught me wider lessons in life too, control what you can, and failure isn’t always bad. There is something to learn and something to take from every situation even if it seems completely negative.
Adhering to rest and recovery is paramount but finding your silver lining will get you through.
Luke George - FGS Ambassador
June 2022